Saturday, August 30, 2008


IRAQ: Jimmy’s controversial, yet eye opening stance on Iraq, is probably his key to winning this election. We continuously hear other candidates argue and debate our presence ‘in Iraq’, but Jimmy wants his opponents and the government to spare the American people all the military jargon. What exactly do they mean ‘in Iraq’? Are you ‘in Iraq’? Jimmy knows he’s not. We’re constantly being persuaded to have a stance on a war we’ve yet to prove exists. Jimmy wants to challenge the politicians and families who claim to have loved ones involved to ‘man up’ and prove it. It is extremely important not to misinterpret Jimmy’s position as unpatriotic. Jimmy is very pro-troops. He believes it is strategically and morally essential for the United States to support troops. It’s a very fresh yet brave perspective that should be considered by any American. If you find his stance intimidating, or slightly unnerving, then calm down Nancy it a stance not a poisonous cobra.

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